Alim Sabir is a self-taught filmmaker renowned for his distinctive ability to express the intricacies of human nature through film. His work is perceptive, capturing the delicate nuances of personal experiences and broader social dynamics. Our goal was to create a portfolio website that embodies this exploration and discovery, offering visitors an immersive experience that reflects Alim’s style and deep creative process.
The portfolio serves as more than just a gallery of Alim’s work—it is a window into his creative journey. Through thoughtful design, we created a space where visitors can understand Alim’s filmmaking philosophy and explore his unique approach to storytelling. To convey this sense of discovery, we incorporated a ‘B-side’ to each project, giving viewers a glimpse into the behind-the-scenes of his work and providing insight into Alim’s personal viewpoint and creative exploration.
The A-side/B-side concept invites users to explore deeper into Alim’s process. Each project includes personal insights, adding a layer of discovery that reflects Alim’s unique filmmaking perspective.
Projects are categorized to guide visitors through Alim’s client and personal work, offering a clear narrative and deeper understanding of his creative journey.
Portfolio for director & cinematographer
Ibraheem Balogun
Tolu Alebiosu
Michal Platek
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